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This year I’m Dean’s Research Fellow in the Faculty of Fine Arts and Music at the University of Melbourne. I’m working on projects that explore the expressive potential of ancient and emerging technologies including, artificial intelligence, theatre, virtual holograms, swarm robotics, standing stones, engineered bacterial bioluminescence, ritual, MR/XR, storytelling, building information model data, and ambient computing.

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19 June

Theatre in the Digital Age: New approaches to performing arts tech

Marcus Lobbes, Director, Akademie für Theater und Digitalität, Theater Dortmund, Germany

In dialogue with Robert Walton, Dean’s Research Fellow, Fine Arts and Music

How is technology changing theatre and the performing arts? How is Germany and Europe answering the call to lead theatre-tech innovation and what can Australia learn from their experiments? In this talk Marcus Lobbes, Director of the Dortmund Academy for Theatre and Digitality, sheds light on his organisation’s mission as Europe’s leading professional theatre-tech thinktank and problem-solvers. Join us for a lively discussion exploring the Academy’s mission, global uniqueness, and commitment to artistic research. Marcus will reflect on the impact of the pandemic, international cooperation, training, cultural advocacy, and his organisation’s vision for the future.

6pm Room 709, Level 7, The Ian Potter Southbank Centre

The Heart

Live at Melbourne Connect now

The Heart is a site-responsive, slow Artificial Intelligence artwork to be lived with over decades.


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In Development

Robert Walton’s production attains the fluid potency of a fever-dream 
– The Age

A spine-tingling encounter
– The Guardian

The world’s first piece of iPad theatre. Eerie, unsettling and very, very clever.
– The Independent

An original and talented thinker and theatre-maker
– The Times

A wholly new theatrical experience
– The List

A brand new way of looking at the world
–  The Stage